Flex Scheduling for 2021-22 School Year

Flex Scheduling is designed for high school-aged students who are involved in a community program.  In September, 2021, Vanier Collegiate will offer afternoon academic blocks designed to accommodate community programs and their training schedules.  These academic blocks will be hosted at the new Golden Ticket facility (Hillcrest Sports Centre).

Vanier families will have the flexibility to choose five hours per week to pursue their community program and five hours per week to pursue personal fitness/physical education training for academic credit taught by Vanier teacher, Ryan Gottselig.  These academic credits will focus on an individualized strength & conditioning program to complement your community activities.  Families can choose a single semester or both semesters to pursue these academic credits.

Core academic requirements will be scheduled using a combination of morning classes at Vanier Collegiate, online and/or independent study courses.  Graduation plans will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.


A limited number of applications will be accepted for “Flex Scheduling” for each semester.  Please complete and submit the application and, if new to Vanier Collegiate, a school registration form (available HERE).

Please contact us directly at 306-693-6744 if you have any questions or email:
Brad Moser ([email protected]) - current principal
Kelvin Turberfield ([email protected]) - future principal
Ryan Gottselig ([email protected]) - FLEX teacher
Complementary Community Programs:
Golden Ticket Sports - offering basketball and volleyball programming -
Contact: Tanner Brightman ([email protected])
Sowden/Flanagan Baseball - offering baseball and fasball programming -
Contact: Shane Sowden & Craig Flanagan ([email protected])
Epic Hockey Camps - Contact: Trevor Weisgerber
([email protected])

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