Student Portal » Scholarships


Being awarded a scholarship is a great way for students to be recognized for all their hard work, but you will not get a scholarship if you do not apply. Finding scholarships can be a daunting task, but it is worth the effort.
As a student of Vanier, you have scholarships that are specifically available to you. These are the result of contributions from alumni and community members throughout the years. 
During the school year, you will be alerted to scholarships not listed on this page. They may be relevant to you or not, but take a look each time. New scholarships will be added to the Grads Scholarship Page on Edsby. If you are in Grade 12 and not connected to that group, please see the scholarship coordinator. Deadlines and reminders will be shared in the Edsby group as well. 
Each scholarship has a unique set of criteria and its own deadline. These deadlines are non-negotiable. Make sure to check out the scholarship workshop sessions that run during the school year. 
If you have further questions, get in touch with the Scholarship Coordinator. ([email protected]). 
The list below is a small sampling of scholarships available for students. The following websites each contain a list of scholarships that you may be eligible for. Take a look at them, review the criteria, and ask questions if you are thinking about applying. It is important to know that these websites also contain scholarships available to undergrad students, meaning you apply for them once you become a full time post-secondary student. 
The deadline for the VCI General Scholarship is March 7, 2025.
The application form will be shared in your Life Transitions 30 class the week of February 10,2025. 
Audrey Fitzpatrick Silver Anniversary Scholarship: This scholarship is in memory of former VCI staff member Audrey Fitzpatrick. It is awarded to one or multiple graduates who are eligible honour role or almost honour role students.
     -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Brenda Bozak Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship is given to a deserving student who has been enrolled at Vanier for a minimum of two years. The successful candidate will meet requirements for graduation and be entering post-secondary. Preference will be based on financial need. 
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Campion Future Scholars Award: Established for an entering student registered through Campion College who best exemplifies our Jesuit values, has an average of 75% and must be registered as a full time student. 
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form  - indicate you are registered through Campion College 
Catholic School Board Scholarship: This scholarship is given to an honour roll
student who exemplifies the tenets of Catholicity and is a participating member of their parish or church. Student must be registered at post-secondary in the fall as well have maintained a high standing in their Catholic Studies class through high school. 
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Clarence and Violet Ethel May Redmond Scholarships: The Redmonds farmed in the Moose Jaw area.  They wished to recognize the student who attains the highest academic standing in Grade 12 at each of the four collegiate high schools in Moose Jaw with a substantial award.
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Edward Elsom Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship will be given to a graduating student who is involved in sports, arts, and other school based clubs. Their participation throughout high school will be well-rounded. This is also based on student financial need.
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Elks Lodge #7 Scholarship: Presented to a worthy student of the graduating class, with preference given to an honour roll.
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Evelynn Leone Wilson Memorial Scholarship:This legacy originated with Mr. Angus R. Wilson and his wife, Evelynn Leone Wilson. Beginning in 2005, these substantial awards are available each year at Central, Riverview, Vanier and Peacock Collegiates. The terms of the trust stipulate that the awards recognize “scholastic achievement”.
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Fraternal Order of Eagles Moose Jaw Aerie 3395: Presented to a worthy student of the graduating class, with preference given to an honour roll.
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form
Halstead Denture Clinic Awards: Two awards are presented to deserving graduating students, with preference to honour roll. 
       -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Jennie E. Graham Scholarship: This award was established through the provisions of Jennie E. Graham’s Last Will and Testament. One graduate at each of Central, Peacock, Riverview and Vanier Collegiates receives this award each year. The student must be attending post-secondary and have financial need. Preference will be given to a student enrolled in a nursing program. 
       -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
John Warren Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship is given to two students who best represent the qualities of former VCI student John Warren. The candidates should contribute greatly to Vanier and to the sports program. They should also share traits of John's such as inclusiveness, kindness and energetic
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Joseph Meilia Scholarship: Awarded to an oustanding student with highest academic standing.
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form
Kinsmen Club of Moose Jaw Award: Presented to a student on the honour roll who is considered to be a "worthy student". 
       -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Moose Jaw Chamber of Commerce Entrepreneurship Award: Presented to a student demonstrating promise in Entrepreneurship, consideration given to Business Plan development and is selected at school level.
       -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form  
Moose Jaw City Police Athletic Association Scholarship: Recognizes academic and athletic accomplishment in the school and/or community with consideration of honour roll status.
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Shawn Berg Memorial Scholarship – This scholarship is given to a student who best represents the qualities of former VCI student Shawn Berg. "Shawn was humble; his talents were used in service to others with pure, honest, and warm-hearted motivation. He had determination, optimism, hope and the ability not to be discouraged and to encourage others by helping them to a fuller life. Shaw felt love and kindness toward others; he had a unique way to make others feel loved and cared for"
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Sisters of Our Lady of Sion Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to a Vanier graduate who
has progressed through Moose Jaw Catholic elementary system and is entering the field
of Education.
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Vanier Collegiate Alumni: This scholarship is available for students whose parents are past graduates of VCI
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Vanier Cando Spirit: As a commitment to the communities they serve, Cando Rail Services provides a scholarship to a high school student that best displays the six characteristics highlighted in the Cando Spirit. They are: leadership, determination and work ethic; empowering others, taking risks, accountability, integrity and entrepreneurship.
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Vanier Collegiate Excellence in Music Scholarship: This award is given each year to a music student involved in multiple music groups at Vanier Collegiate. They must be a model music student and act as a leader within the program. They must demonstrate a high level of musical proficiency. This awards recipient is to be selected by the Vanier Music Director. 
       -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form
Vanier Top Academic Athlete: Awarded to two top athletes from the graduating class
      -Student must fill out the VCI General Application Form 
Associated Canadian Travellers Scholarship: Founded nearly 90 years ago, the Associated Canadian Travellers supports local communities. In 2013 a scholarship was established to support a young person desiring to make a difference. The Associated Canadian Travellers Scholarship is awarded to a deserving graduate from a Moose Jaw high school pursuing a post-secondary program which focuses on helping people (i.e.- Program which supports working with individuals with a physical or cognitive challenge; program in the Health field; or program in Social Work field). Proof of acceptance into a post-secondary institute is required.
     -Application form available here 
     -Application deadline is May 1
The Boechler Great-West Life Scholarship: This is awarded to a graduate of Vanier Collegiate who has a minimum of 70% average, is attending a post-secondary institution and exmplifies the qualities as espoused by The Spirit of Vanier such as kindness, charity towards others, and faith in God. At some time in May of each year, the members of the graduating class will vote to determine the person they consider most worthy of this scholarship.
     -Application form available through Scholarship Coordinator
     -Application deadline determined each year. 
Catholic Women's League (CWL) Scholarship: This is awarded to a child of a member of CWL or UCWL council St. Joseph’s Church Moose Jaw, Church of Our Lady Moose Jaw, St. John’s Marquis, or the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Moose Jaw. Preference may be given to a graduate of VCI or a Holy Trinity Catholic Division school. Student must be pursuing University, College or Vocational School after graduation.
     -Application form available through Scholarship Coordinator
     -Application deadline June 2025
CUPE Local #5506 Scholarship: This is open to a graduating student whose parent or guardian is a CUPE Local 5506 member in good standing. The candidate must be continuing his/her education or trade at a recognized institution the following year. 
      -Application form and information available through the Scholarship Coordinator
      -Application deadline May 1 of each year
CUPE Local #5512 Scholarship: This is open to any Prairie South School Division #210 or Vanier Collegiate student whose parent or guardian is a C.U.P.E. Local #5512 member in good standing. The candidate shall be continuing their education or trade at a recognized institution within the following school year.
      -Application form available through Scholarship Coordinator
      -Application deadline May 30 of each year
Dubinsky Family Education Trust: The Dubinsky family, long-time Moose Jaw residents established this trust fund via a city bylaw in 1982 to provide a substantial award to a graduating student in a local school division for the furtherance of post-secondary education. The candidate must be continuing with post-secondary education and display academic achievement, extra-curricular and community involvement.
      -Application information available here 
      -Application deadline May 1
Elks Lodge Trudie Temple Music Scholarship: The name of Trudie Temple is well known to Moose Javians, particularly with respect to music. The Elks Lodge of Moose Jaw has been involved in overseeing this award since its inception in 1979. The Elk’s Lodge Trudie Temple Music Scholarship is awarded to a student who has made a significant contribution in music to his/her school and community.
      -Application information available here
      -Application deadline May 1
Ellen Greenlay Memorial Scholarship: The Ellen Greenlay Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating student in Moose Jaw who has a direct affiliation with Minto United Church, where Mrs. Greenlay was an active member for 35 years, or an affiliation with any other church. The student must be continuing with post-secondary education, with preferences given to those entering the field of Education, Ministry or Veterinary Medicine. Financial need will be considered.
      -Application information available here
      -Application deadline May 1
Evan Thomas Memorial Scholarship: Evan Thomas went to Vanier Collegiate for 2 years while playing hockey in Moose Jaw. He touched the lives of many people during his short time here. This scholarship was created to honour Evan. The student must have made honour roll in Gr 11 and 12, be pursuing post-secondary and must be in good standing with Moose Jaw Hockey or Moose Jaw Baseball Leagues during their time at Vanier. 
     -Application form available through the Scholarship Coordinator  
     -Application deadline June 4 of each year
Father Lawless Council Knights of Columbus: Father David Cottingham Catholic Ministries Scholarship: Father David Cottingham was born on February 14, 1940 in Moose Jaw. On June 18, 1966, he was ordained by Archbishop Michael O'Neill in the home parish of St. Joseph's, Moose Jaw. After
university and seminary and a few postings, in 1999 Fr Cottingham returned to his home parish of St. Joseph's as the last Redemptorist pastor. The order left the parish in 2002. Based in St. Mary's parish,
Saskatoon, he returned to preaching missions until retirement. Among the Redemptorists, there are only a few who were seen as "giants" in their preaching of Parish Missions. Fr. David can be counted among those who were gifted to move people to a conversion of heart by his preaching. His warm smile and his gentle heart made him a compassionate channel of the Good News of Jesus, in his preaching and in a very powerful way as a confessor and counsellor. We hope to encourage young people to continue
that type of legacy towards Catholic education.
The Knights of Columbus, Father Lawless #1534, established a $1,000 scholarship to
promote and assist a Catholic Student who wishes to pursue either religious studies
(Priest or Nun) or take Catholic Education classes or courses leading to any Catholic
Ministry (Catholic Education, Palliative care, Adult Servers, Youth Ministry, Grief
Ministry, Mental Health support Ministry, Prison Ministry, teaching Catholic/Christian
Ethics, etc.). It is awarded annually to any Catholic student for their first year of postsecondary
     -Application form available through the Scholarship Coordinator
     -Application deadline May 15
Father Lawless Council Knights of Columbus Sir Knight Cam Tremblay Member Scholarship: Camille “Cam” Tremblay was born in Courval, Saskatchewan – settling in Moose Jaw and spending the rest of his life in our Moose Jaw community. Cam was married to the love of his life “Anna”, and they had four beautiful daughters. Cam’s daughters all went through the Moose Jaw Catholic school
system – graduating from Vanier Collegiate. Cam was also very involved in the education system in Moose Jaw and Saskatchewan. He spent many years serving the Moose Jaw Catholic School
Board – as a Board member and chosen to represent the Board as Vice Chair and Chairperson. In his capacity as a member of the Moose Jaw Catholic School Board – Cam was appointed to represent Moose Jaw at the Provincial level on the Board of the Saskatchewan Catholic School Boards Association.
He served as President of the Provincial School Board Association in 1976-1977. For his dedication and service to the Provincial education scene – he was awarded the Provincial Meritorious Service Award in 1984. Cam was a member of the Knights of Columbus for 60 years – holding down many – if not all the
positions on the Executive including Grand Knight. Cam served as District Deputy for our
Saskatchewan Region and attended many Provincial State conventions representing Moose Jaw.
The Knights of Columbus, Father Lawless #1534 offers a $1,000 scholarship to provide supports to a Knight’s child or grandchild. It is awarded annually to any Catholic student for their first year of postsecondary education.
     -Application form available through Scholarship Coordinator
     -Application deadline May 15th. 
Friendly City Optimist Club "Friend of Youth" Scholarship: This scholarship is for a student continuing on to any post secondary educational instituted who has been involved with community, school, or other volunteer activities and displays leadership qualities. 
      -Application form available through Scholarship Coordinator
      -Application deadline May 20
Gibsons Refinery Partnership Scholarship: Since 1992, the Gibsons Refinery has recognized deserving young people not for only the contributions they have made, but also for the promise they hold by offering a substantial scholarship. The Gibsons Refinery Partnership Scholarship is to be awarded to a female student enrolled in a Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Studies, or Business program.
      -Application information available here
      -Application deadline is April 29
Gerry McCudden Memorial Scholarship Award: The Saskatchewan Chapter Gerry McCudden Scholarship is a competitive, merit-based scholarships program designed for graduating grade twelve students who desire financial support for their pursuit of post-secondary educational opportunities.
       -Application information is available here
       -Application deadline is June 2025
Hillcrest Ladies Golf League Women "Fore" Women: The Hillcrest Ladies Golf League will be awarding a scholarship to a female graduate who will be attending post-secondary education this fall from Peacock, Central and Vanier. The scholarships will be given to outstanding athletes accepted into post-secondary education. 
     -See Scholarship Coordinator for more information (Room 221)
     -Application deadline June 2025
HTCSD Teacher's Association Bursary: This will be awarded annually to a son/daughter of a HTCSD Teacher's Association Member. The candidate must be accepted into a post-secondary institution following Grade 12. Preference may be given to an applicant pursuing teaching as a career.
     -Application information available through Scholarship Coordinator
     -Application deadline May 6
Jennie McCallum Memorial Music Scholarship: In recognition of the dedication Jennie McCallum had towards music education, this scholarship is targeted at those students pursuing a music-related post-secondary program at a recognized educational institution.
       -Application information available here
       -Application deadline May 1  
The John Fischer Award: Instituted by the Toupin family to recognize the legacy of John Fischer. John was skilled in multiple trades and worked with CPR until he retired. He sat on many boards geared towards helping his community and was held in high regard. This is awarded to a student entering the workforce in the area of trades. 
      -Application information available through the Scholarship Coordinator
      -Application deadline May 15
Ken Stewart Memorial Scholarship: Ken Stewart was a beloved father, son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend. He was also a gifted and accomplished lacrosse player who played for the Moose Jaw Mustangs lacrosse teams. He was killed in a motor vehicle accident in November 2013. The scholarship, created in his memory, is for a student pursuing post-secondary education and is involved with the Moose Jaw Lacrosse Association (involvement includes but is not limited to player, coach, official or board member)
      -Application information available here
      -Application deadline May 1
Larry Wilson Scholarship: In connection with Moose Jaw Arts in Motion, the Larry Wilson scholarships are funded from monies set aside by Larry Wilson to acknowledge the contributions that his family made to the arts. They are executed by the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation. This scholarship is intended for students who wish to continue their studies in the following artistic disciplines: Drama, Dance, Musical Theatre, Instrumental, Vocal, Literature (writing, journalism, screen writing). 
     -Application form available here 
     -Application deadline June 30
Moose Jaw Co-op "Caring for the Community" Scholarship: The candidate must personally have an active membership with the Co-op or be a family member living in same household as an active member with purchases of $5000 or more in the previous year. Must be a Grade 12 student who is graduating in the year he/she applies.
     --Application information available on the MJ Coop Website. 
Moose Jaw Festival of Dance Doris Sitter Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2011, the Moose Jaw Festival of Dance is pleased to offer this scholarship in memory of Doris Sitter. Doris Sitter was instrumental in the creation of the Moose Jaw Festival of Dance. The candidate must be involved in a certified dance program and continuing post-secondary education. Participation in the Moose Jaw Festival of Dance will be a primary consideration
      -Application information available here
      -Application deadline May 1
Moose Jaw Minor Hockey Association Graduating Player Scholarship: The candidate must be a registered member of the MJMHA who played a minimum of 1 year as U15 and 2 years as U18. To be considered you must be graduating from a Moose Jaw school and attending post-secondary within 4 years of receiving the scholarship.
       -Application information available here 
       -Application deadline July 30th of each year
Moose Jaw Transition House Marilyn McCrea Scholarship: To assist Moose Jaw and area female students in pursuit of a career in a field where women are under-represented.
     -Application form available here
     -Application deadline June 15
Ned Andreoni Scholarship: This scholarship is intended to assist a Vanier student in the pursuit of athletics and academics. The recipient should exhibit strong leadership and sportsmanship qualities as well as being a positive role model in his/her school and/or community. Criteria is based on involvement in athletics and physical education programs.
        -Application form available in the office or the Scholarship Coordinator office
        -Application deadline April 30
P.E.O. STAR Scholarship: This $2500 scholarship is available for a young woman who exhibits excellence in leadership, academics, extracurricular activities, community service and potential for future success. The successful applicant must be graduating with high academic standings and be attending an accredited post-secondary institute in Canada or the USA, full or part-time, after graduation.
       -If interested, please speak to the Scholarship Coordinator
       -Application deadline Sept 27, 2025
Redemptorist Fathers Scholarship: St. Joseph Parish Council has initiated an annual scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Redemptorist Fathers in Moose Jaw.  This scholarship will be awarded to a Catholic student from Vanier Collegiate in his/her first year of post-secondary education, who is involved with the church, community, and has good academic standing.
     -Application form available in the office or the Scholarship Coordinator office
     -Application deadline May 15
Rotary Club of Moose Jaw "Service Above Self" Scholarship: Each year three scholarships are awarded to Moose Jaw graduates who demonstrate the Rotary Club's motto of "Service Above Self". The candidate must also have a minimum 75% average in Grade 12.
    -Application form available in the office or the Scholarship Coordinator office
    -Application deadline May 15
Rotary Club of Moose Jaw Wakamow: Two scholarships will be awarded to a Moose Jaw graduate who is in the top 10% of their class and demonstrates volunteerism at school and in the community, leadership, and work experience.
     -Application form available in the office or the Scholarship Coordinator office
     -Application deadline May 31
SCC Elementary Scholarships: Each of our HTCSD Elementary School SCC's provide a scholarship opportunity for past students. Each school (St. Mary's, St. Agnes, St. Mikes, Sacred Heart, St. Margaret's) has a separate application form.
     -Application forms available on the Edsby scholarship page or through the Scholarship Coordinator
     -Application deadline varies per school 
Schulich Leader Scholarship: This national scholarship is for entrepreneurial-minded innovators outside of the medical community. If you are enrolling in a  Science, Technology, Engineering or Math program this is a great opportunity. Vanier is allowed to submit 1 application, so an internal process may be required first.
     -Application form available from Scholarship Coordinator (see Mrs. Muench in Room 221)
     -Vanier Nomination deadline January 31, 2025
Snowbirds Scholarship: The Snowbirds Scholarship is awarded to a worthy graduate who is a member of the local Army, Air or Sea Cadet organization. It was first established by a Bylaw of the City of Moose Jaw in 1990. The graduate must be continuing with education at a post secondary institution. 
      -Application information available here
      -Application deadline May 1
Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) Scholarship: Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) Industry Scholarships are valued at $1,000 and awarded to selected, eligible high school graduates throughout the province who have completed the SYA program and will be pursuing a career in the skilled trades. Students are nominated for SYA Industry Scholarships each April by selected provincial high schools.
     -Interested applicants should speak with Ms. LaPointe to ensure SYA qualifications are being met
     -Application deadline March 25
The Catholic Women's League of Canada -Saskatchewan Provincial Council Social Justice Award: The award  is intended to enable young women to engage in social justice work. Young women between the ages of 18-35 years will be eligible 
The Florence E. Taylor Charitable Foundation Scholarship: This scholarship was established through generous contribution of Florence E. Taylor, Chapter C, Alberta, P.E.O. Sisterhood and is further supported through P.E.O. members and affiliates. It provides financial assistance to women who are entering first or second year post-secondary programs in Alberta or Saskatchewan. The candidate must be committed to her educational goals and demonstrate financial need.
      -Application form is available through Scholarship Coordinator
      -Application deadline May 2025
The Les & Irene Dube Social Justice Award: This scholarship is awarded to one student from each Saskatchewan Catholic High School who self-declared as a St. Thomas More College Student at the University of Saskatchewan in the College Arts & Science.
      -Please speak with the Scholarship Coordinator if you are enrolled through St. Thomas More College.
The Royal Canadian Legion Moose Jaw Branch #59 Poppy Fund Bursary: This bursary is extended annually to Grade 12 students who are sons, daughters or grandchildren of ex-servicemen in need of assistance in financing further education.
      -Application form will be available from Scholarship Coordinator or online
      -Application deadline May 31


The Smith Legacy Scholarship: This is a scholarship established by the family of a St. Louis student in order to honour the memory and tradition of their family/. The children and family of this student also attended Vanier Collegiate and are pleased to establish this scholarship to assist Vanier students. The candidate must demonstrate initiative and leadership in Industrial Arts, exemplary kindness to others and a humble genuine spirit. 
     -Interested candidates must submit their name and interest to Ms. Jordan and Mrs. Muench
    -Application deadline May 1
Uniroyal Junior Curling & Don Berglind Memorial: This scholarship will be awarded to a candidate who best demonstrates a contribution to Junior Curling and/or coaching development or volunteerism in the Moose Jaw curling community. Applicant must be registered for post-secondary and continuing with their curling career. 
     -Application form available from Scholarship Coordinator
     -Applications deadline April 30
As a student in Saskatchewan, you have scholarships available to you. Below are some of the options available. For a detailed list, visit
CAA Scholarship Program: CAA Saskatchewan awards three annual entrance scholarships to students attending the province’s major post-secondary educational facilities which are the University of Saskatchewan, University of Regina and Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Applicants must be a member of CAA or a child of a CAA member. 
      -Application forms are available online through your post-secondary facility. The scholarships,
       including the selection of successful candidates, are administered through each educational institution.
      -More information available here
Conexus Credit Union Youth Leadership Award: Eligible candidates must be a member of Conexus Credit Union (or have a parent member). Grade 12 candidates must demonstrate cooperate spirit, community involvement and leadership.
      -Application form available here (awaiting 2022-2023 applications)
Evelyn Henry Reconciliation Scholarship Fund: This annual scholarship is awarded to a female high school graduate or equivalent, enrolled in a Canadian post-secondary school with plans to complete a degree, diploma or certificate with courses or a program intended to further develop reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of Canada. This scholarship provides financial assistance to women who are entering the first or second year of a post-secondary educational program where there is a demonstrated financial need.     
      -Please see Mrs. Muench prior to November 1 to discuss this scholarship


Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan: This scholarship was created to recognize the hard work and dedication required of individuals with learning disabilities who succeed in completing their high school education and to encourage those individuals to continue their education in a post-secondary educational institution. Candidate must be attending an approved post-secondary institution. 
     -Application form available here
     -Application deadline April 30 of each year. 
Mary Joyce Booth Memorial Scholarship: This scholarships is available for French-Second-Language (FSL) students entering their first year of a post-secondary program in the French language. 
      -Application form available online
      -Application deadline TBA  (awaiting 2022-2023 applications)

PHE Saskatchewan High School Scholarship: PHE Saskatchewan is looking to award 5 scholarships to students who meet the criteria: The student must have a minimum of two Physical Education/Wellness or Health credits and be actively involved in the school Intramural and Extra-Curricular program. The student must have an average of at least 70% in subject areas required for minimum entrance requirements for his/her intended area of study. The recipient should exhibit strong leadership and sportsmanship qualities as well as being a positive role model in his/her school and/or community. The recipient must be enrolled in first year studies in one of the following programs in a Saskatchewan Post Secondary Institution: (College of Education with a major or minor in Physical Education and/or Health (U of S)/ College of Kinesiology (U of S) ● Faculty of Education with a major or minor in Physical Education and/or Health (U of R)/ Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies (U of R)/ Saskatchewan Polytechnic Recreation and Community Development program/ Accredited field in Health Education, Medicine, or Nursing)

      -Application form available through scholarship coordinator or online

      -Application deadline is June 30 of each year.

Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship: Eligible students with a demonstrated financial need will receive the scholarship. Students are deemed to have a demonstrated financial need if they are approved for a student loan. You must be a Grade 12 graduate and enrolled a a SK. post secondary institution that is recognized for Canada-Saskatchewan student loans.
      -Application information available here
Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) Scholarship: Two scholarships are awarded to students continuing their education at a Saskatchewan post secondary school. The candidate must have parents or guardians who own/rent land and pay taxes to rural municipality, live in a rural area and have a background in farming.
     -Application form available here
     -Application deadline January 2024
Saskatchewan CWL Social Justice Award: This award was created in 2007 and is intended to enable young women to engage in social justice work. The candidate must demonstrate involvement in social justice activities. Priority will be given to CWL members or relatives of CWL members.
     -Application form available here
     -If this is something of interest talk to the Scholarship Coordinator
Sask. Golf Association Scholarship: The Saskatchewan Academic and Golf Excellence (SAGE) Scholarship program annually presents scholarships to assist deserving member golfers in their pursuit of high school and post-secondary academic excellence. The successful recipients were selected on the basis of being a Golf Saskatchewan member, academics and some weighting on sporting excellence.
     -Application form available here
     -Application deadline May 31 of each year
Saskatchewan Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Disabilities: If you are a student with either a permanent OR a persistent or prolonged disability enrolled in a program at an educational institution, you may be eligible to receive the Canada-Saskatchewan Grant for Services and Equipment. This grant provides up to $22,000 per program year to purchase specialized education-related services and assistive equipment and does not have to be paid back. 
      -Application form available here
      -If you need more information, please talk to Mrs. Muench
Saskatchewan School Board Association Scholarship:  Each year, the Saskatchewan School Boards Association awards two scholarships to graduating Saskatchewan high school students. One is awarded to a student pursuing a degree program and another for a student enrolling in a technical/trade program. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated good character, community leadership, financial need and a 500-word essay.
      -Application form available here
      -Application deadline is Aug. 31 each year
SGI Corporate Scholarship: Applicants must be a enrolled in post secondary program that supports the business needs of SGI (Business, Accounting, Human Resources, etc.). Applicants must have a minimum average of 70%.
     -Application form available here
     -Application deadline TBA
The Prairie Healthcare Scholarship: The Prairie Healthcare Scholarship offers anyone studying in a healthcare-related field, who is originally from Saskatchewan, the chance to apply for financial assistance. Whether your aim is to study in the field of: Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Pharmacy, Nutrition, Social Work or any other healthcare-related fields, the McIntyre Family Foundation is here to support your dreams.
     -Application form available here
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Scholarship: Administered through the Government of Saskatchewan, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee scholarship is awarded to Grade 12 students who will be attending post secondary in the fall and demonstrate school and/or community based leadership; have responsibilities outside of school; show financial need; and have high academic performance.
      -Application form available here 
      -Application deadline TBA
As a student in Canada, you have scholarships available to you. Below are some of the options available. For a detailed list, visit
4-H Canada: A variety of scholarships are available to students who are 4-H youth members.
     -Applications form available online (opens in March)
Kinsmen and Kinette Bursary (Hal Rogers Endowment Fund): This scholarship is awarded to a candidate based on financial need and is actively involved in their community. Be sure to select Moose Jaw Kinette Club as the local club. 
     -Application form available here
     -Application deadline Feb 1 of each year. 
Loran Scholarship: This is a national scholarship open to call Canadian students in Grade 12. The Loran Foundation is looking beyond the transcript to find the promise of character: integrity, courage, compassion, determination and a high level of personal autonomy. Applicants must have a minimum of 85% cumulative average. 
       -Application form available online
       -Application deadline is October 10, 2025
MyBlueprint Scholarship: Apply to be selected as a finalist for the MyBlueprint Scholarship. You must be a Canadian student enrolled in Grade 11 or 12. If you are selected as a finalist, you will be asked to complete an application form and could then win 1 of 5 scholarships
     -Application form available on your MyBlueprint account (Home:Tasks:Scholarship tab)
Nelson Scholarship Program: The Nelson Scholarship Program is an award that recognizes Grade 12 students for their work in the classroom and in their communities. Recipients of the award are young leaders of tomorrow, combining a commitment to community stewardship with academic achievement. The Nelson Scholarship Program has the Civic Leadership Scholarship and the Indigenous Student Scholarship.  
      -Application form available online
      -Application deadline TBA
TD Bank Community Leadership Scholarship: This is a scholarship for students who have demonstrated consistent and outstanding dedication to solving a community problem or making their community a better place. The program is open to students with an average of 75% and up who are supporting positive change in their communities.
      -Application available online
      -Application deadline November 2025
TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples: Together with AFOA Canada, a not-for-profit led by Indigenous Peoples, we've worked to build a scholarship for Indigenous Peoples. Through it, 25 scholarships are awarded annually, worth up to $60K over 4 years. 
      -Application available online
      -Application deadline November 2025
Quest for Excellence Bursary Program: The Quest for Excellence program is a bursary program for grade 12 students in Western Canada. It was established by RE/MAX of Western Canada to recognize the success and ongoing pursuits of Western Canadian students in regard to leadership and community contribution initiatives.
      -Application form available here
      -Application deadline March 2025
U of R Entrance Scholarships & Awards: 
Entrance awards are for those students who have will be attending the University of Regina for the first time. The University of Regina is pleased to offer a number of scholarships and awards to help you pay for school. There are two types of programs available:
+Automatic Entrance Scholarships 
+Application Required Entrance Scholarships and Awards
     -Application is available through your U of R student portal 

SK Polytechnic Student Awards:
Awards are commonly selected on the basis of financial need, academic achievement or very often, a combination of the two. The selection basis for awards can also include volunteer or leadership involvement in your communities and schools.
     -Application information available here

U of S Scholarships and Awards:
There are 3 types of scholarships and awards available to high school students applying to the University of Saskatchewan. 
+Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship (automatically considered when you apply)
+Best and Brightest Entrance Scholarships (application required)
+Competitive Entrance Awards (application required)
     -Application information available here
     -Applications are made through your PAWS account